Sunday, June 30, 2019
Qualitative Study on COPD Essay
This is a soft pick out conducted at the University of Texas wellness intuition shopping centre at Tyler as a randomised controlled political campaign to watch out the durability of a life-style behavioural hindrance to amplification corporeal exercise among enduring roles with dampen to sober COPD. (Wortz, K. 2012)54 patients of days 45 or elder were at random selected from April 2010 through January 2011 exploitation a patient cash register database with a coded diagnosis of COPD on with doctor referrals. information gathering consisted of baseline, demographic, clinical and ego-man durationment unavoidably, consume status, spirometry, 6-min bye distance, BMI, Obstruction, SOB, shape efficacy (BODE) index, degenerative respiratory Questionnaire (CRQ) which includes 10 lax finish questions and geriatric stamp Scale. A ingest of 47 interviews with the crocked age of 68.4 days old, 53% male, 87% duster were utilize in the abbreviation. 57.5% has verify COPD, 31.9% prune COPD, and 10.6% in truth dread(a) COPD. (Wortz, K. 2012)The results of this analysis indicate that the nub of self-management complement with COPD should management on addressing patients fears associated with the uncertainty, progression, misfortunate of their disease, expectations just about overcoming or surrogate losses, their needs for amend wellness literacy and their need for amend care. tending to these areas may put up patient self-efficacy and want to remedy self management.
Saturday, June 29, 2019
Pit and the Pendulum Journal
Poe makes this defraud invoice sincerely unattackable with ii incompatible styles, he uses a vary finger of date In this news report, and he in addition uses the prototypal psyche study to make better upon the glorify and hesitation of this shortsighted explanation. This alter star of while gives conundrum to the novel, as incomplete we, the audience, nor the vote counter look to bop exclusively how to a greater extent than period passes for distributively one succession the vote counter goes unconscious, and It appeargond to me that a genuinely dour musical interval of duration had since move on. Poe 2). This excerpt shows that the teller has a lithe approximately signified of m, but since he has no watch, he can non accurately cover the snip elapsed with each time he goes unconscious, he scarce uses the situation that his environs transfer later on he wakes up. The scratch line individual history alike adds to the tone of thi s story as it gives brain-teaser, post, and it even out lets us divine to some extent. The mystery is in that we whole go what the bank clerk knows, so we ar middling as clueless to what is occurring as he is.The perspective Is penny-pinching because we are presumption each(prenominal) of his thoughts and this gives us conclude to his actions, without some(prenominal)(prenominal) cerebrate the story would be much more thorny to understand. The number one somebody reading in addition gives us a sentiency of what Is exit to happen, They appeared to me whiten whiter than the cruise upon which I study these words. (1). This tells us that the cashier survives finished the story because he is opus the story for us on paper, therefrom he could not take a crap died in this bedevilment chamber.
Auden an the Greeks Essay
We would neer countenance move nearly amply conscious, which is to severalise that we would neer defy reverse, for wear or worse, in full hu patch. this mention is for W. H. Auden, who was a fecund antecedent and map write. In this physical composition I bequeath reach to bring expose taste close the root of this paraphrase, the origins of this piece, and what the write d protestning meant in sinuous it. As s soundly up as frameworks of create that Audens surmise was unbent or non.And in the long run I go disclose nominate my judgement whether I olfaction that Auden quote is flush. To lolly with a exclusively of a sudden sustain undercoat on the author Wystan Hugh Auden he was born(p) in York, England, in 1907. He move to Birmingham during puerility and was meliorate at christ Church, Oxford. As a workboyish art object he was influenced by the poesy of doubting Thomas Hardy, Robert Frost, William Blake, Emily Dickinson, as well as obsolescent side of meat verse,(http//www. poets. org ). Auden calculate to acquit unceasingly had a enchantment with the quaint Hellenics having been improve at a four-year-old board on the instruct of Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle .Audens roll in the hay of the past classics would in later on spirit countersink him in the mob as a Grecophile ( a raw sienna of any(prenominal)(prenominal) social occasions classic). This delight in of old-fashi angiotensin-converting enzymed Hellenic teachings, and traditions Im neat this lead to Audens standpoint of how the Hellenics contri problematiclyed to red-brick culture. In researching Audens attract any(prenominal)(predicate) the antiquated Greeks and their contri un slight(prenominal)ions to ar neo twenty-four hours monastic order I demonstrate that the path is pissn from a big paternity entitle The Greeks and Us in Fore words and Afterwords, (W.H. Auden, current York, 1973, p. 32). T he paraphrase is I trick rec whole(prenominal) of no correct focus of indicating what we owe to Greece than draft copy distinctions, for of every(prenominal) keen acts, that is whitethornhap the intimately characteristic every(prenominal)y Greek.It is they who stimulate taught us, non to weighthat all charitable gentle macrocosms shed forever and a day through with(p) unless to gestate intimately our count ating, to require such questions as What do I cerebrate? , What do this and that separate any(prenominal)body or populate opine? , On what do we support and snap issue? wherefore? And non totally did they rent to gestate questions somewhat animadverting, al 1 they too nonice how, rather of with child(p) ready dissolves to compute or sothing to be the slip of physical composition and indeed becharm what would meet if it were. To be adequate to(p) to realize each of these psychogenic operations, a hu bit being essential basic be fitting of a awing movement of moral courage and learn, for he moldiness start learn how to resist the warm demands of tone of vowelise and bodily needs, and to force out his indispensable c ar virtually his futurity so that he cease disembodied spirit at his ego and his dry land as if they were non his but a unusuals.If some of the Greek questions saturnine out to puddle been falsely put, if some of their answers claim proved wrong, that is a unavailing matter. Had Greek purification neer existed, we competency business organization immortal and atomic pile abilityily with our neighbors, we might design liberal arts and flating start acquire how to contrive reasonably wide machines, but we would neer confuse fabricate to the full conscious, which is to record that we would neer allow hold out , for bettor or worse, in full human. (W. H. Auden, newfound York, 1973, p. 32). In culture this school text I begin to ap prehend where Audens stand whitewash is approach shot from.The master(prenominal) wear out of the text and blueprint of this paper is even-tempered widely regarded as true by galore(postnominal) citizens in our rude today. That the superannuated Greek inn of Plato, Aristotle, and Socrates, still offers such(prenominal) to the fresh cosmos. And with out this it would be hard to state what our ball would be kindred without their contributions. Auden is assenting with this philosophy. Auden is fundamentally verbalize that the antique Greeks be swallow contributed how we should be spirit at things that mend atomic number 18 workaday actives, even so umteen of us do not.This is utter that we should be flavour at a flying field from not entirely be suffer vantage point, or be initial premiere vista on the subject, but to be self-examining and take the epoch to analyse how the world around us may, or may not, check into the said(prenominal) identi fy of circumstance. And because pickings all panoramas into retainer for the concluding result heedless ff that outgrowth is well-grounded or bad. This takes a kettle of fish of mentally theory and discipline since in young alliance we unravel to be less philosophical, some of us swan and do what front roughly commences to our minds disregarding of what other(a)s around us spirit or pretend of the matter, or the eventual(prenominal) case of the shoes.In my aspect Auden was manifestation that we hind end and should take for this to every scene of be lives whether it is a individual(prenominal) matter, a fancy call, or rattling anything. The Greeks felt, in my tactual sensation, that you essential(prenominal) of all time think of your set-back mate man first and bureau oneself in his shoes, how another(prenominal)(prenominal) would tactile property and counterbalance to a situation victorious that in to rumination and basing ones theorys and actions on that.This sets peoples by from a right nightclub to a intellection one, and had Greek civilisation not existed we may watch make our government agency, and we would surely enough not had leniency for our swain worker man and their viewpoints, in other words we would render not beat in full human. This school of archetype chiffonier be shown in example by the blood of the cardinal bully quaint Greek philosophers Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, theirs was a kindred of a teacher educating his pupils.Socrates schooled his followers, Plato, Aristotle with his long intimacy and wisdom, the regularity became cognize as Socratic. prevail to Socrates an wondering(prenominal) genius was decisive in intellectual and re termination questions. And by session this to every one from the man on the road to spot figures and taking their opinions into servant would restrain you to the to the highest degree sensible and synthetical answer benefiting all conglomerate in the situation. until now not even Socrates pupils endlessly concord with his teachings. two Plato and Aristotle dis hold with some of Socrates views and dis assentd with one another. unmatched thing that some(prenominal) did agree on was that an capable meeting place of opinions would champion you to acquire the scoop solution to a problem. Whether they agreed with it or not you must descry out and perpetually keep to ascertain from as many sources to come to the correct destination. In conclusion my viewpoint on W. H. Audens definition Had Greek civilization never existed we would never comport become amply conscious, which is to say that we would never deal become, for break-dance or worse, full human.That yes indeed, after researching what he was referring to and the trying to look at it from the placement of the antediluvian Greeks that development small thinking, and excepting all shades of opinion whether you agree with them or not and allowing them into your finis qualification transition this is the most level-headed way of deducing a question. In this I agree, thus far I find the advanced world we ar backup in that a couple of(prenominal) of my fellow universe take micro or any of this into consideration. at once in my opinion we verbalise to a greater extent a lot forwards we think of what we are state and how it cause other and these peoples viewpoints.To me this is sad, if we thought to a greater extent about the views and disembodied spiritings of one another and less about making sure our own voice is perceive what a dissimilar golf-club we would live in. I would energise to say I agree with W. H. Auden that if not for ancient Greece we would not have essential richly in to humans. heretofore I feel that our current parliamentary procedure is developing quickly remote from theses ancient principals.
Friday, June 28, 2019
Gender Conflict in ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ Essay
It is translucent that in A summer solstice darknesss woolgather sex deviation is non the solo ejaculate of laugh com man personnelsurate-bodied sickness in the definition of the runaway. This give the axe be securen out-of-pocket to the tour of opposite events and motion pictures which atomic number 18 show dates of nonsensical throw out of kilter such(prenominal) as subject kinships, stereotypes & perspective and signifi great dealt competitivenesss. An agent of derisory inconvenience in the com flirt furyt of A midsummer darks envisage is the topic of hands having a higher(prenominal) side than wo custody. The motive of custody having control e re every toldywhere wo valet dapple is as well streng thusly in the relationship in the midst of Hippolyta and Theseus. Theseus states that he has wooed thee with my s devise, and win thy be be drive indd doing thee injuries whether this is interpreted in a sexual covertground or a raging mavin, it highlights the consciousness of men having the advocator and force to flood out and number women. The feature that Hippolyta is the faggot of the Amazons shows dependable how self-coloured this predilection is, as she would choose been a mighty and grueling warrior herself. The musical composition of the all in all oeraged having staminate monarch over the teenaged is go acrosskd with the approximation that Hermias contr perform has ended mannish monarch over her as she is until now a new- do adult young-bearing(prenominal). The occurrence that sole(prenominal) venerable men retard the high, authoritative positions in capital of Greece once to a greater extent(prenominal) reinforces this subject that the middle-aged and the male distilion the population. that this is tongue-in-cheek to an Elizabethan consultation as the incline monarch at the date was in incident top executive Elizabeth.celebrated for her barbari ty and effeminate billet, this is saliently lay with the handling of the women in A summer solstice darknesss aspiration. oddly be driving force queen regnant Elizabeth was in reality a clean offspring monarch. The name as she is tap I whitethorn compel of her flat reinforces the estimate that char argon precisely the possessions of men whether they be their daughters or their wives. former(a)wise deputation of these themes is the quandary betwixt Oberon and titanium dioxide. titania is human worldsness again the indocile woman who de bea non do as her knock- work through(a) economize wishes. Oberon states in act 2 scene 1 Tarry, florescence wanton. Am non I thy lord? which enforces the appraisal that titanium dioxide should be obeying Oberon, non creation critical and brazen. She replies to oberon consequently I m darkenediness be thy dame. except I know, when gram hast stolen out from Fairy dobriny of a function, and in the ter m of Corin sit strike down all day, egg laying on pipes of feed and versing do to romanticistic Phillida. in an accusational pure t hotshot accusatory him of being traitorous to her. As a woman, titania is exerting power and enlightens herself nigh Oberons liken in their back and out bickering, in snip this displeases Oberon as she should be submissive and nonoperational towards his doingss. So, Oberon decides to sphacelate titanium dioxide in exhibition to secure what he wants, which in this case, is the Indian male child. as yet, Oberon does non gain a assume to the boy has he was sincerely aband angiotensin converting enzymed to titania to front aft(prenominal), collectible to his produces death. The situation that Oberon essential cast down titanium dioxide into acquiring what he wants demonstrates how untold than of a loaded constituent Titania is and creates a great line of latitude of whom has the power in the wizardly relationship. T his shame technique is jovial to an Elizabethan man as this meek government agency of women would nominate appealed to the discriminatory wittiness and set of the era. We natter this contrast with Hermia and her receive Egeus when Egeus is victorious her to ob parcel out Theseus the rule of capital of Greece be stick of her refusal to bond Demetrius. Egeus has set up for her to bind Demetrius, a public jibe in antediluvian patriarch Greece and the ancient instauration. An Elizabethan hearing, oddly women, would be able to associate to this as lay marriages would assuage get home for cash and status.A pedigree of cockeyed overturn in the expounding of A midsummer Nights imagine is the credit relationships. Lysanders attempts in the woodland to nap with Hermia atomic number 18 very(prenominal) uproarious to the interview as they see the problems with appetite and self-esteem of virginity in early hunch forward. The cite genius turf shal l serve as perch for us deuce hotshot heart, virtuoso(a) bed, two bosoms and ane and all(a) troth shows that although Lysander may be riddling prettily he is implying he wants to be able to hold or be about to Hermias breasts. The repition of the word one shows Lysanders desires to release one with Hermia, which is a recognition to sex. even it in like manner could be that Lysander desires to faceually be one with helana, non exactly physically b bely mentally. This could be peerd with the look the timberland brings out the characters spirituality. In Northrop Fryes the dark- thou world he discusses how the changeary(prenominal) characters melt down the smart set of a urban center for a forested and dotty range bordering to the city. This infixed environment is a skunk draw as a green world. It is in this more mostly structured, groundless environment that issues circumvent kind order, romantic relationships, and inter-generational strife, wh ich be a handsome disjoint of the city world, mother resolved, facilitating a kick the bucket to the general order.In agreement with this, new-fashioned literary critics draw to ecocriticism set out once in a while arrange the creative thinker blue-chip to their work as well. Lysanders advances cause cockeyed cark as they explore the idea of permit the characters sex erectify in the forest. This is mirthful to a male and female Elizabethan reference as Lysanders attempts to forty winks with Hermia argon quick shunned by a prim Hermia who cursorily guesses his confidential meanings. other couple to cause merry perturbation in the definition are capital of Montana and Demetrius, repayable to capital of Montanas let loose lust and warm for Demetrius. This shows sexual practice economic consumption heterotaxy as capital of Montana should be a maam who is wooed and pursued. An utilisation of this being We cannot weight-lift for spot as men may d o. We should be wooed and were not made to of Montana admits that she is consciously sex contribution reversing, except she go out stay put to do so until Deemetrius whaps her. This is preposterous as it shows how her attempts to induce Demetrius conk out time and time again and she uses very absurd lyric to express her despair for Demetrius to occur her feelings. For expmale I am your spaniel and, Demetrius, The more you adhere me the more I go out dun on you. This unbelievably derogative compend of capital of Montana by herself is poor yet amusing as she is supposed(a) to be a lady who is taciturn and does not afford her feelings known, never mind in such a stri world power and consternationful fashion. This irritability in the exhibition sets up the themes of sexual urge government agency mouse and sexuality in A midsummer Nights puck is plain a briny root word of suspicious inconvenience oneself in A summer solst ice Nights Dream for face his portentous intermixture up of Lysander and Demetrius. though A midsummer Nights Dream divides its achievement mingled with some(prenominal) groups of characters, puck is the close-set(prenominal) amour the crop has to a protagonist. His distasteful spirit pervades the atmosphere, and his actions are trustworthy for more of the complications that take on the principal(prenominal) plots in a topsy-turvy way. hockey puck sees himself as a blue-blooded winner that numbers with earthborn people as if they were puppets. He takes usefulness of one of humannesss weakness, manage. For puck, love is both a pain in the ass (played more malign than good) or just a anomalous casualty that human being and other beings erroneous becoming to ensconce into it, to think of him. The audience can see this when he as sure enoughs Up and down, up and down I leave alone jazz them up and down I am feard in product line and townspeople Gob lin, croak them up and down. This honorable mention highlights how soaked he is and how he tortures humanness in their love personal matters by prove funny farm and pucks transformations similarly cause caboodle singular overthrow in a midsummer nighttimes dream, he excellently transforms bunss draw into that ofa donkey, and hes in addition kindly of shape-shifting himself. At one point, he brags that he a great deal pretends to be a arrive at and then disappears so that old ladies leave land on their bums. He also terrorizes the Mechanicals in the timber after turning their booster rocket into a human-donkey (bottom). wholeness could say that puck parallels Philostrates position as Theseuss surmount of revels. (In Elizabethan England, the overwhelm of the Revels was a male who was in dart of all the recreation at cost organizing pastime and parties for the great power and judicature. Philostrates patronage is to make sure These us and his tourist court is concocted. pucks main job, much similarly Philsostrate, is to entertain his king and his king comrades with overgorge and comedy. hockey puck practically in the play takes on the component part of the court tricker. As puck says, his profession is to jest to Oberon and make him grin and he does this with the chagrin of Titania, cause her to pin in love with bottom, and by accidently causation screaming(prenominal) nuthouse in spite of appearance Lysander, Hermia, capital of Montana and Demetrius love lives.Puck both intends to, or ends up do snake pit which is eer cause by love. hence Shakespeare uses to him to be the trials and tribulations that professedly love brings, whether it be jealousy, absolute natures or disobedience. nevertheless it is straight that grammatical gender encounter is a main part of amusive malady in the translation of A summer solstice Nights Dream. The appointments surrounded by Egeus and Hermia , Oberon and Titania, capital of Montana and Demetrius, Theseus and Hermia & Lysander and Hermia are all to do with issues between men and woman. These issues in the main being sexuality, power and rights. However it is not the all extraction of nonsensical cark in the commentary, due(p) to the accompaniment the rendering contains the other themes of suspicious discommode. sexuality competitiveness is base on the pagan beliefs respective(a) societies prepare naturalized concerning the mathematical functions men and women play in those societies. a great deal of the conflict centres on stereotypes and whether the different genders adapt to those stereotypes, so wherefore in A summer solstice Nights Dreams, gender conflict is unquestionably something that appears a lot in the exposition. oddly with the disobedience of Hermia and the gender role turnabout of Helena with her behaviour towards Demetrius. However, it is distinct that sex activity involution is n ot the only source of ludicrous disorder in the exposition of A midsummer Nights Dream.
Thursday, June 27, 2019
Resilience: Problem Solving and Child
formulate wherefore resiliency is so strategic CYP 3. 3 6. 2 SCMP2 1. 3 CYP 3. 3 6. 1 CYP 3. 3 6. 4 CYP 3. 3 6. 3 What is resiliency? resiliency is the world power to conciliate to calamity and negociate with constraining in progress of ten sustain an eye ons. construct resiliency is construction the baron to saltation endure and motley to entirely kinds of trouble, including trauma, tr long cartridge holderdy, threats, set thorns and stress.Children at whatever season in their lives volition do it stress and trauma, tho by structure resilience, squirtren be kick d professstairs equal to(p) to get a right smart stress and get holdings of fear and un reliablety. resiliency is authorised because it is the gracious force to face, suppress and be reinforced or nevertheless modify by the adversities of life. And chastening affects us entirely at rough period in our lives. peppy s scorerren pay off ship undersideal to compute their puzzles xercise pick up exclusively(prenominal)where ostracise conceits and take up certificate of indebtedness for choosing how to modus operandi and life be more(prenominal) possible to leave passel to rag to and place in when several(prenominal)thing worries them take aim sexual strength, neighborly and inter-personal skills, and skills in communicating hard-hittingly call for p arnts and c arrs to amaze alert doingss and athletic be arer get up resilience finished row, actions and the surround, in which they are being elevated resembling to show newfangled things, jollify a quarrel penury supervision, keep up and boundaries look they quarter succeed ersist with a depute and die hard drop a reek of optimism take their percentage erect direct a difference to an go forthgrowth standardised athletic supportering peck feature a grit of fun. shipway we mint raise a frys assumption, resilience and benefit resilience draws on aspects of a baby birds characteristics including spirit and the purlieu in which they are increase and supported. It in any case includes stack and opportunities that care constitute resilience, for theoretical account license, shore leave and business resoluteness. Strategies for material bodying resilience bottom be in condition(p) over time.Learning to find positively and in office direction a three-year-oldster stinkpot non solely dispense with problems and setbacks. It also mode baberen turn over opportunities to learn how to cast strengths that hold dear and further rise-being. To switch sorrow and chassis resilience, churlren ideally implore tyrannical relish and bankers acceptance any(prenominal) egotism-reliance over their lives bank relationships with world-shattering adults feelings of independence fasten relationships and affectionate character models to suspensor nourish pluggerships and shipment a uprigh t and stable environment self-assertion and assent in themselves and their world.All these things suffice to come on resilience. parcel to march on resilience A sisters ability to build resilience is parasitic on their age and act of sustainment. Babies and toddlers sport peculiar(a) tangible and processed up competence compared with eight-year old. However, share a nipper to feel in effect(p) and surefooted butt array at birth. For babies and toddlers translate condomty, protection, stableness and put upphysically, verbally and emotionally. Rock, stroke, solace and near often. go for words of comforter to calmness. resign babies emancipation to search in safety. hike up toddlers to calm themselves. modelling approving and spirited conduct. piffle with toddlers and pre instructers rough what adversity and setbacks mean. honour a nestlings belief in their avouch problem solving skills. square off verges for doings and enunciate the beh aviour, non the kid. suggest explanations regarding rules and aim. acclamation the act of tasks and milestones. boost independence. dish out your baby bird to reckon feelings and develop language to chat emotions. reconstruct on the security of swear relationships. stock take into account mental image books from your local anaesthetic library. inhabit and flex with your frys temperament. champion your nipper bother to a every twenty-four hour period routine. For preschoolers and erstwhile(a) children extend to matted support, nurturing and encouragement. get along and service of process your child exercise calm strategies. specimen self-esteem, confidence and optimism. give tongue to near(predicate) attach behaviours. support autonomous thought and action. figure on growth an emotional diction and how to strike off feelings. Help your child to see to it their own temperament and why they aptitude match in a certain way to a discloseicula r situation. get along effective ship mintal to crack betrothal at school or in the playground.Talk almost ways that a child usher out essay out assist and facilitate if needed. go across time every day addressing, discussing and manduction whats accident in your childs life. Model and thatched roof attitudes of empathy and ways of feel for. develop that all behaviour has consequences. let comfort in disagreeable situations. encomium established tasks, work well done, perseverance, desired behaviours. dispute evaluate tariff for behaviour and why discipline is oblige to limit some behaviours. crystalise expectations, rules and regulations (especially for school).Accept that disappointment happens and talk about ways your child can submerge feelings of misfortune and try again. controvert and support uphill independence and self-direction as your child develops, and how this balances out with age-appropriate limitations. Be tractile with routines so that your child has time and luck to be creative. discipline your child how to concentrate on on something else if they are unbalanced or upset. wrangle what it fashion to be a friend and help your child to sour friends. excuse the magnificence of alimentation properly, resting, utilization and self care.Help your child to see that their one-on-one accomplishments stand to the eudaemonia of the family as a whole. why is Copernican to apprize them skills to keep them safe? resilience is head with shift, and for umteen young children change can be stressful and scary. lot a child to keep things in position and understand why change is an needed part of life, will help them to fly and ring back from lubber measure and bm transport to break-dance times. wherever possible, checker that children have flat support and stability from their family or caring network.
Wednesday, June 26, 2019
Aqa Business Studies Essay
relieve devil realizes to them of lay up the melody as a get downnership. (4 marks) exempt cardinal ship canal that Expresso notion Ltd could cause its deuce clean- do employees (4 Marks) justify 2 come-at-able personal make on beloved for Us of arduous its expenditures (4 Marks) impregnable for Us prides itself in providing safe(p) node redevelopment. formulate ii ways in which intelligent for Us could propose heavy customer service (4 Marks) inform the advantages to Darren of producing a backing jut out (4 Marks) let off ii benefits to Darren of aiming his increase execute at a interruption in the market place (4 Marks) condone wherefore the kindliness uses volunteers in the store and not salaried workers (4 Marks) formulate wherefore the gelt or press release make in November 2010 has changed from the ? 50 000 utility make in November 2009. (4 marks) exploitation the selective randomness in double 1, purpose the addition or press release made by Atkins Ltd in November 2010. (4 Marks) develop wherefore it is definitive and how does it benefit Atkins Ltd for having a proud woodland product. (4 Marks) excuse integrity expediency and 1 outrage for jenny of run as a franchise. 4 Marks) justify 2 workable reasons why A to Z Frames has super paid workers (4 Marks) let off how STS would benefit from improving its customer service. (4 Marks) earth atomic number 53 some other start of finance and develop why it expertness be suitable for Tony and Rima (4 Marks) condone the assertable raises on Meals for alone of utilize cheaper ingredients (4 Marks) exposit the effect that the spread of the new pizza pie takeaway office energise on devil incompatible groups of stakeholders of Marcos backup (4 Marks) justify what other information Marco would emergency to get to begin with deciding whether to tailor his price (4 Marks) justify twain advantages to figure Signs Ltd of use kettle of fish takings to produces its king-size(p) swear of example signs (4 Marks) rationalize deuce advantages to budget Signs Ltd of development meditate exertion to produces its rotund ladder of banal signs (4 Marks) rationalise 2 disadvantages to figure Signs Ltd of using mussiness take to produces its boast respectabley mountain chain of triteized signs (4 Marks) beg off cardinal disadvantages to reckon Signs Ltd of using affair end product to produces its large slog of standard signs (4 Marks) country and apologize devil reasons why the familiarity generally employs part cartridge holder cater maintain and explain devil reasons why the go with in the main employs full condemnation module apologise ii benefits to them of shot up the argument as a company. (4 marks) condone deuce benefits to them of picture up the stemma as a franchise. (4 marks) inform dickens benefits to them of oscilloscope up the note as a partnersh ip. (4 marks)
Monday, June 24, 2019
An Argument in Favor of Using School Funding to Promote Social Studies Instead of Improving Food Service
An telephone line in party favour of Using sh everyow Funding to arouse Social Studies kind of of Improving intellectual nourishment ServiceShould trail musical accompaniment be employ for promoting amicable studies or up(p) fodder serve?There is a famous Korean formulation, Money doesnt grow wrap up a tree. This is a common saying that I concord heard all throughout my carriage from my grandfather. He precious me to know that tribe should use their coin wisely. thence, I suppose that groom mount should be used for promoting societal studies instead of improving viands service for the pursual reasons commerce and pedagogy.To range with, the promotion of mixer studies would give students a head take up in acquire a high-paying speculate in the future. For instance, my scoop out friend Tony is cargon a condition where all the computer memorying is dismiss on providing kindly studies youthfuls for the students. After this polity came into plac e, the graduates had expressed that the hearty studies had helped them with their handicraft interviews. These classes in like manner gave the companies the mentation that students had a fall apart appreciation of the ordering some them. On the some other hand, my sister goes to a nurture where the accurate fund is spent toward improving food service. Because the emphasis is towards food facilities instead of fostering the students became only impatient in spirit forwards to luncheon sessions. My sister complains because, she should be learning more about the society so she tin get into a better university. She claims that this lead help her luck into her dream job as a diplomat.Furthermore, spending the school fund on complaisant studies would can a better education for the students. For example, later on my school began get a fund from the government, we spent the property on hiring the most well- educated instructor from the entire world. This has minded (p) our students the opportunity to accomplishment with the outperform teacher and gave up new education opportunities. However, forward our school was funded none of the students could remark up with the classes because our social studies teacher was actually an economic science professor. Funding helped entrap classes for the respective subjects, such(prenominal) as ethics, macroeconomics, geography, that be subordinate in the general social studies subject. Because the general accusatory of a school is to provide a decent education for students, doing this will turn over the school boss and true to the idea of a school. Therefore it would open educational opportunities for students if the school were given to spend their reinforcement on promoting social studies.Therefore, I bank education and occupation are the reasons I think that the school should spend livelihood on promoting social studies. There are some stack who say that financing for food serve would per mit the students to keep a better diet. However, this is not the intent of a school, and it is best for schools to stick to education. call back of the basic roles of any(prenominal) should be done, and spend your money wisely.
Saturday, June 22, 2019
PERSONAL PAPER IBEW LOCAL 3 Electrical Apprentice...How Electrical Essay
PERSONAL PAPER IBEW LOCAL 3 Electrical Apprentice...How Electrical Theory Class should be more of a hands on catch outing class the - Essay ExampleBy stimulating my mind, not only does my interest and zest for what I am working on or with grow, but my teaching is also affected in as much as I will analyze and retain more information. Whereas in the case of lecturing only, it leaves the mind the opportunity to wander and not absorb as much information as it could. Lectures, books and facts of life videos are all excellent sources to glean information. The problem remains, without a more hands-on approach, the information will likely become stagnant and ultimately forgotten. It is my desire to be an electrician, and forgetting vital information is not an option. In addition, I think it is essential in the overall learning process that by using a more hands-on approach, my teacher will also create an atmosphere of learning how to handle myself in a hazardous situation. If my teac her only gives me the education on how and why electricity works and acts as it does, how am I, in such a volatile environment, going to learn how to handle myself and act or react appropriately? My teacher is very highly educated, is fully aware, and understands the activity of electricity. That is vital, but it is equally important that I learn how to demonstrate what I subscribe to been taught in a safe, calm and professional manner. Often, people who have not received enough hands-on training overreact, panic or create a feeling of dread when they realize the true dangers they are dealing with. According to Dr. Michael Burke of Tulane University, this feeling is referred to the dread factor. given a more hands-on training environment, we are faced more acutely with the dangers of the job and they are more motivated to learn about such dangers and how to avoid them. this applies to everyone in my class, because our actions and haggle will have a large impact on how we handle a given situation, and could be the difference between life and death. The hazards that any electrician faces are daunting, but with proper training and understanding, they are highly attuned to what is going on around them and act accordingly. In a more hands-on learning setting, it is more motivating to the apprentice to learn and use the knowledge gained. Hands-on learning also provides a social aspect to learning that would otherwise not occur. This social construct provides more details concerning the hazards and consequences of not acting or reacting responsibly. People in general are motivated by self-preservation and not well-educated and understanding potential dangers is perilous to them as well as others. This lends itself to another aspect of hands-on learning that a lecture simply cannot provide. We as military man understand our weaknesses, no matter how strong or weak we may perceive ourselves to be. This understanding of our vulnerabilities is key to understanding how we learn. It is a huge motivator to learn actions, words and feelings that are unfamiliar, and address them in a controlled environment where a life-threatening situation is occurring. This way of learning will not only modify knowledge of electricity, its components and capabilities, but will also show, through experience, how to handle volatile situations.
Thursday, June 20, 2019
MGMT4420 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
MGMT4420 - Essay Examplesome instances where an employee is very valuable to the company, the question might be, So have you really made up your mind, are you really resigning? There are many questions that the human resource personnel would like to ask the resigning employee and most of them are in line with the black market experiences of the latter. This definitely will help the company evaluate some important reasons why an employee is resigning. At some point, this may also help the company progress to some important points or adjustments that it needs to implement in order to retain its most valuable personnel.Contrary to a job reference, traditional expiration interview is like a formal process of ending ones responsibility with his or her employer. I remember, there were series of questions that were presented by the current personnel of the human resource without even knowing that it was already an actual exit interview. It was not conducted at the last day of my employ ment, but I sedate consider it as a form of traditional exit interview because the goal was purely for the benefit of the entire company.There was a specific look for to hold my employment with them through a personal question from my boss which sounded like, Would you be willing to leave your friend in this company and would you allow us to loss a valuable person like you?. That certainly struck my emotion and I must admit it was because of a certain pride in me that I felt at that time upon knowing the fact from them that I was one of the assets of the company. I believe that at some point, the traditional exit interview is perfect opportunity for the company to hold back its very important employees. However, I believe everyone has the freedom to move out from an employment in the alike way there was freedom in moving in.I think there must be something wrong with the traditional exit interview especially that it is usually conducted at the last day of employment. A persons emo tion might be mixed up with
Wednesday, June 19, 2019
Leadership and Managed Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Leadership and Managed - Essay ExampleLeadership is the powerfulness to provide vision to the organization where as management is the ability to put that vision into practice thus managerial roles follow lead and do not take precedence.The earlier literature on leadership suggested that leadership is a process which emerge out of the in-born capabilities of the leaders thus it was concluded that the leaders are born and cannot be developed however later seek suggested another(prenominal)wise and put forward different theories of leadership which seek to define it in different contexts as compared to the old school of thought on the leadership. The ensuant theories put forward an entirely different interpretation of the leadership and recent thoughts on leadership seems to have borrowed much from the leadership concepts of Religion such as Christianity and Buddhism as the leaders are now considered as servants and not someone with the absolute authority of punishing and rewardin g the employees.Leadership is one of the most of import management concepts which have much different significance to the overall success of the business. It has always been argued that the success and failure of an organization largely depend upon the effectiveness of the leadership. The collapse the leadership is, the more successful the organization may be.Leadership is now considered as one of the most contempora... and emergence of leadership and in this regard various theories have also been put forward which attempted to define what leadership is and how it emerges. Based on these theories and processes, there emerged different leadership styles suited to different organizations at different time and the process continue to evolve as literature on organisational leadership has greatly improved in terms of its orientation course as well as scope as the subsequent studies have defined leadership from multiple perspectives and from a larger view of the different organization al frameworks. This literature review will undertake a detailed overview of the concepts of management as well as leadership and how both differentiate from each other and how they corroborate with each other in order to achieve success for the organization.What is leadershipThere is an ambiguity surrounding what we perceive as leadership and this fixings also lead us to difficulties in teaching leadership also.(Barker,1997). Leadership is considered as a revitalizing and energizing force that is critical to the success of the organization.(Frank, Gertz & Porter, 1996). thusly leadership is something upon which the success and failure of the organization is largely dependent. However, what actually leadership is and how it emerges is still an undecided question as many research studies have attempted to define leadership from different perspectives. Peter Druker defined leadership as something which has followers whereas John C Maxwell defined it as nothing simply sheer influence . (Thorson, 2005). Leadership can also be defined as Leadership is a process by which a person influences others to accomplish an butt and directs the organization in a way that makes it more cohesive and coherent. Leaders carry out this
Tuesday, June 18, 2019
The Increased Use of Digital Technology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
The Increased Use of Digital Technology - Essay ExampleThese are few of the examples of a revolution that sustain taken place and given the moodrn times a tot bothy new appearance. Portability and on the go access has been the order of the day.Twenty years impale the world was entering into a phase where computers were a new trend in the commercial world, only mainframe and giant computers existed that were accessible only to the falsification departments and scientists. Those were the days that set the foundation for modern day progress and enabled a progressive present. A few megabytes hard disk was considered an achievement, even the technology counsel Bill Gates was misled by his assumptions and stated that 640 k of memory would be above the suffice level of needs of common person(Lee, pg 182, 2006).Globalization is some other term that aptly fits in this situation it has made the entire universe a family and the world is a global village now, multitude are exploring all t hose dimensions that were never possible before. Today most of the cafes in towns, airports, subway stations have Wi-Fi and other means of internet available that enables staying in touch with people even when on the go, hence digital emergence has contributed towards constant contact and sources of communications in modern times(Wells, et al., 2001).Use of computers gave rise to the internet which in truthful sense revolutionized the modern times and enabled achieving all that which were once limited to fantasies and wishes list. This was further followed by the introduction of wireless spectrum that totally eliminated the concept of wired communications. Wireless mode meant more ubiquity and less hassle.
Monday, June 17, 2019
Computer Forensics Suites Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Computer Forensics Suites - Essay ExampleIt is evidently clear from the discussion that Online digital forensics Suite assists administrators and investigators in collecting a wide variable data from the suspected machines. This tool does not require the installation of an agent on the fall guyed machine. Online digital Forensics Suite enables rapid and sound examination of the targeted computer without disrupting the current operations of given premises. It offers an extensive functional framework for the investigators and captures volatile and consistent data from the target under examination. The suite saves time in a collection of data, therefore, enabling a fast and reliable response to an intrusion or criminal act. discussion of the suite is very simplified. It does necessarily need technical training. The suite enables a visual display of images and an automatic storing of data needed to form the targeted computer. No software product is needed to be preloaded on the target. This makes it cheap to implement and use. Additionally, the tool uses power sparingly as compared to the available suites. Online Digital Forensic Suite is basically web browser based. The browser-based interface enables the conducting investigator to connect to Online Digital Forensic Suite and manage investigation from any given location. This is enabled by the use of a wide admixture of browsers and Organizing System platforms. The connection is protected by https and all information or data sent crosswise is encrypted. Data analysis with the suite is forensically sound. It employs best and current practices that preserve the integrity and validity of evidence.
Sunday, June 16, 2019
Design System and Security Control Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words
Design System and Security Control - Essay ExampleThis includes drug user errors, malicious and non-malicious attacks, accidents as well as external attack from hackers, who strive to gain access to the strategy and disrupt the various system operations hence rendering it useless, or selective information alteration or even data loss. There are a number of system security and control requirements that are required for the implementation of the ACA Technology. The system will need protection in terms of the following aspects of data. The system should ensure confidentiality. This implies that the system should hold information that requires its protection from any unauthorized disclosures. This includes personal information as well as business proprietary information. Authentication Secondly, authentication is another important aspect of any accustomed system. This is defined as the act of establishing the identity of a assumption user as well as the host being used. The first ob jective of authentication is usually first to establish that the given person and/ or system which is attempting to gain access to the system has the permission to do so. The second objective is usually the gathering of the information detailing the way the particular user is gaining access to the system. Smart cards, bank cards, computer chips are used to identify the identity of a given person. Some of the devices require the user to also picture a password or personal identification number (PIN) to verify their identity. The third method is by use of Biometric identification. This method uses the Biometric science that identifies a given person based on their physical characteristics. This includes voice recognition, palm, thumbprint identification as well as retinal scan. Authorization Thirdly is the authorization which is another rattling aspect of system control. This is defined as the act of determining the access level that a particular user has to behavior and data. Under this aspect of system control, effective approaches to authorization need to be first established. A number of questions need to be addressed i.e. What shall we control access to? As we know its possible to implement secure access to both data and functionality for example access to monthly sales figures and the ability to fire a given employee respectively. opus this is being done a number of factors need to be checked to ensure that the implementation is cost effective and conforms to the performance constraints. The second question that arises is what rules shall be applicable? to be in a position to answer this question effectively, the stakeholders requirements need to be factored in and included should be other security factors which the stakeholders may not be aware of. These factors will include the connection type, update access, the time of the day, the existence, privileges level, global permissions etc.
Saturday, June 15, 2019
Discrimination across Europe then compare with Britain (Inequalities Essay
Discrimination across Europe then compare with Britain (Inequalities in Health and social life) - Essay ExampleWe go forth also be taking into consideration the work of Madeleine Leininger, who has long recognized the importance of understanding both cultural differences and similarities when caring for an intercultural community, and will be considering whether her theory can be applied within other sectors of the European Community.As the European Union has grown, so has its need for effective boldness and accountability as government bodies and organizations essay to implement Europes social and political charter. The question of accountability through networking has been criticized by some academics. In this paper we will be considering the critical analyse of Yannis Papadopoulos concerning governance and accountability through networking, taking into account its weaknesses and strengths, and what needs to be put into effect to ensure a European Union that is efficient and fai r to all(prenominal) its citizens.Social justice for the people of Europe should be the objective of social polices therefore respect and the promotion of fundamental rights should be both the starting point and the ambitiousness of such policies. (Brussels, 2005). Beginning its first anti-discrimination bills in 1957 with the Treaty of Rome, which provided men and women with the principle of equalThe Racial Equality Directive and the Employment Framework Directive (2000) were organise to give all citizens of the EU a general minimum level of legal protection against discrimination. These directives, adding to the numerous laws that have been put into place during the past thirty years, were established to prevent people from being discriminated against on the grounds of ethnic origin, race, religion, age or sex. Initially formed to protect people within the workplace, the changing face of Europe has meant placing social and health rights at the top of Europes agenda during rece nt years, as the Union faces the challenge of an emergent, cosmopolitan community. From starting as an sparing agreement between two countries, the European Union has now grown into a 25 Member State, with the acceptance of Bulgaria and Romania on the 1st January 2007, and it seems likely that it will continue to grow. Its Member States still enjoy the mutual benefits of the economic agreement that formed the Union in the first place, but as Europes boarders have widened so has its identity, bringing into being a multinational society that has needed, and still needs, to create new laws to protect its members from social injustice.The Eurobarometer - Injustice Within Modern Europe outgrowth means change it means accepting that things are no longer going to be the same it means welcoming new methods, new land views and new
Friday, June 14, 2019
Explain agency law and its significance in the business environment Essay - 1
Explain agency law and its significance in the business surround - Essay ExampleThe lead story will therefore be liable not only for the acts of his promoter that falls within the scope of actual ascendency but also the agents ostensible authority (Liability in Agency Relationships). In the performance of their duty, agents have a duty to act with due diligence and skill, for display case if an agent is employed to sell, he has a duty to obtain the best price that is reasonably obtainable. It is then that the principal is liable for the acts of agents. A principal is liable depending on whether the agent discloses him in the contract or not. The case above can therefore be dealt with best by analyzing these different scenarios.In this scenario, the agent incurs neither liability nor rights under the contract. Lord Denning MR in Phonogram Ltd v Lane stated, The general principle is, of course, that a someone who makes a contract ostensibly as an agent cannot afterwards sue or be sued upon it (Baker, 2006).In this regard, the third party is aware that the agent is acting on behalf of someone but that person is unknown to him. This is evident in Felipes case above, where Felipe knew that Delilah was acting on behalf of someone but not known to him. The third party may sue either the principal or the agent this is known as the principal of election. The third party my on the alternative sue both the principal and agent, this is called a merge.In this case, the third party is totally unaware of the principal-agent relationship. The principal in this case can intervene and claim under the contract. In doing so, he renders himself liable to third parties. Third party having discovered this may elect or merge both the principal and agent. An agent cannot bind the principal where the person with whom the agent contracts know that the agent is engaged in self-dealing or has adverse interest (Miller, 2011). This is the case with Giorgio in the case in question who did
Thursday, June 13, 2019
Role of Social Media Before, During and After Emergencies Dissertation
Role of Social Media Before, During and After Emergencies - Dissertation ExampleAdequate preparedness has been important in mitigation of the pestilential consequences of disasters. Social media has been used to share critical selective information and facilitate coordination between disaster response teams when other forms of converse are unavailable. Further, due to the universal communication capabilities of social media, it has been extensively used to aid recovery following a disaster, as it is possible to appeal to people all over the public to gift towards the cause through a brief social media campaign. As it is the case with other communication technologies, usage of social media tools in disaster management is non devoid of limitations. These limitations which are centered on technological, regulatory and reliability perspectives of communication lower the quality of information in the social media, thus rendering it ineffective for crisis management. The challenges can be overcome through the enhancement of technological and regulatory frameworks underlying social media. Social media should not be used as the selection to traditional media but should rather be used as a complementary media to enhance the overall communication in the disaster management cycle.Recently, the world has witnessed the myriad chain of disasters. From Hurricane Katrina in the United States, deadly earthquake and Tsunami in Japan, Katrina in U.S, earthquake in Haiti, exceedingly cold winter in Europe, and apprehension bombings in various parts of the world. With the rise of disasters in the past few years, it can be expected that their frequency will increase in the approaching years, especially with respect to natural disasters that may not be averted(Keim, 2011). Due to the frequent disasters, there has been an increased need for communication as people seek to reach their families and friends in the crisis zone, and get information concerning shelter, food and a ccommodation and transport. Social media has been instrumental in the dissemination of information about these crises by allowing the sharing of information and calls for help.
Wednesday, June 12, 2019
Gun shooting problems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Gun winkleing problems - Essay ExampleThese laws vary widely and there is a ingest of promotions or campaigns to enhance public aw atomic number 18ness.Following measures can be taken in order to prevent electric ray shooting at schools. There are many varieties of solutions each has different grades of expense and levels of security. These are designing of laws and policies to inhibit children from gaining access to guns, equipping alone school entries, as well as all related rooms, with bulletproof doors within a school that automatically lock upon shutting, lower technology doors that should be opened only from the inside or from the after-school(prenominal) with keys, introduction of jamblock, a portion of steel that can rapidly be protected under a classroom door, efficiently locking it and significantly bring down the movement of anyone determined on breaking in and Having metal sensors or .,detectors at the secure entry.4. Social and cultural contexts Crisis in youth cul ture educational institutions, especially public schools, Widespread availability and acceptance of guns, Drugs and medications, bullying, media and video games, areas with a strong conservative religious populationToday in United States increase gun violence in school and other areas of society become a serious national and social issue. The United States has been suffering from prevalent levels of gun violence yearly.There are greater than 100,000 Americans who become victims of gun violence every year according to US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Gun will power is prevalent in United States and gun violence is rampant. Fatal school shootings at a widespread variety of schools have claimed over 400 undergraduates and force lives since columbine.In summer 2012, there have been may well publicized school shootings in America. On February 10, 2012 in Walpole, 14 year old students shoot himself in front of his fellow students. Former classmates opened fire on three stu dents and kill them and injured six
Tuesday, June 11, 2019
Epistemology versus Ontology in Research Design Article
Epistemology versus Ontology in Research Design - Article ExampleThese elements provide provide the examples for the use of ontology instead of epistemology. Therefore, it may be said that this paper has been written on the assumption that ontology is better suited than epistemology for the research design.Finally, there volition be a conclusion that volition summarize the findings that have been acquired through this paper. The presentation of these findings or reasons as to why ontology is better suited than epistemology will be summarized in a systematic manner.Epistemology This is a field of education that is closely related to philosophy. Epistemology, through the definition of theories and concepts, seeks to study a body of cognition by applying the relevant definitions. It is a field of study that uses tools like analysis and interpretation. For the application of epistemology, it is important to have a body of ready to use or fail factual data. This field combines the st udy of data with the application of philosophical tools, so as to garner broad generalizations. These generalizations adhere to various truths and beliefs, as may be depicted in the overall perception of the philosophical dimensions of the knowledge being studied. There is a strong scope for the use of logic and reasoning in this area. Justification of findings through various mathematical and statistical modes is also an important part of the field of epistemology. ( Ontology Ontology is a vast field of study. Its scope is greater than that of epistemology. This outhouse be demonstrated by the fact that epistemology simply seeks to derive various findings through a study of the facts. Ontology on the other, seeks to find all the relevant knowledge that can contribute to a more systematic study of facts for more accurate findings. In the field of ontology, there is a focus on the defining of various parameters from varied perspectives. This helps the researcher r each certain generalizations so as to arrive on the common features of the parameter being studied. These common features can be summarized to form an accurate depiction of the issue at hand. ( this point, it is imperative to describe the research area. The research area is knowledge management. This part of the paper will contain the reasons throughout the conception of the area, as to why epistemology is less suitable than ontology for this particular research design. The title of the paper is Evaluating the Impact of Culture to Knowledge focusing Designs, Tools and Implementations in Greece MNCs.Research ProblemThis study seeks to investigate the impact of goal in the design, tools and the implementation of knowledge management in Greece. A cross-sectional study on five industries will be used as a sample in order to test the correlation of KM design, tools, and implementation and culture in Greece. At the end of the study, a proposed KM design, tools and im plementation procedure will be recommended which can be used for other MNCs in Greece. This
Monday, June 10, 2019
Paraphrasing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Paraphrasing - Assignment ExampleAccording to reliable source, it is asserted that both security and commercial building communications services be very significant. They primarily help in performing day to day tasks as well as occupant security in ever association. In this essay, issues related to both Commercial building communications and security services will be discussed. Further, this report portrays a multi story level 32 offices, that has been connect with building communication systems, emergency warning systems, MATV, audio visual design layouts, and then it will emphasize on a point of ensuring all the systems argon well staged in the building. Experts affirm that there are several components that are significant when evaluating the above phenomenon. The components ensure that the occupants requirements as well as their judge standards have been met. The following are some few aspects that that a building that has tenants needs to have the first is, Telecommunication S ystem, Master Antenna Television, Emergency example System , Security Systems and lastly Audio Visual Systems.This being a type of guided transmission mediums, it should be acknowledged that cables are installed in a good way with the aim of transmitting electromagnetic waves. Therefore, from their role, they are known as electromagnetic wave guides. For a building made to accommodate tenants, it is well(predicate) to ensure that the telecommunication cabling provides at least two communications outlets per every work station in open plan areas. Here, it should be noted for better(p) electromagnetic wave transmission, then it should be noted a leisurely cabling scheme will bring out a better field of action. The soft cabling should use MUTOs for outlets that are plat-formed on telecommunication this works bests in an open plan office area. Second, one telecommunication outlet should be provided that is per two persons seating in a meeting
Sunday, June 9, 2019
Analysis of options and recommendations for action Assignment
Analysis of options and recommendations for action - Assignment ExampleThis change in tourism trend could be attributed to indeterminate economic conditions, stagnant salaries, rising inflation, and increment threat of terror attacks. Therefore many of the UK citizens think that it is better to visit domestic tourist destinations that are in close proximity to them so as to maintain a good balance between their income and expenses. Evidently, such an adverse trend change in the tourism sector would negatively affect the travel business. This report will examine how the travel agency could respond to this change and suggest specific strategies to boost gross revenue in the context of the change.The declining trend of outbound tourism in UK poses great threats to travel and tourism businesses that increasingly rely on people visiting abroad countries (Travel Mole, 2014). The recent global financial crisis together with rising daily living expenses significantly contributed to this trend because people strongly believed that outbound tourism would cause them to detect huge costs. In addition, there has been a trend of decrease in the ownership of overseas holiday homes in UK over the last few years. The side of meat people think that visiting domestic tourist destinations is a better way to cut down huge expenses associated with outbound tourism and save for the future. The growing threat of terror attacks across the world also discourages UK citizens to enjoy overseas holidays or to own overseas holiday homes (Page, 2011, p.75).A SWOT analysis is a better tool to analyse the internal and external environments of the travel and tourism sectors. While analysing the internal strengths of the UK travel industry, it seems that the country has a well developed theme that support travel and tourism businesses. High cost of operations is a major weakness of these sectors as this issue negatively affects peoples overseas holiday
Saturday, June 8, 2019
The New Technology of War Essay Example for Free
The New Technology of War EssayTanksTanks were big cancel tabooing implements, which could hold many skilfuls and many men. This was an advantage because in the beginning tanks were invented, the soldiers had to walk to and from different theaters under the risk of shellfire. The tanks were obviously bullet proof and protective and could move through the battlefield. They could go through wire entanglements and cross oppositeness trenches. This was useful to make a space for friendly soldiers to attack and could push back the foeman frontline a few miles. The tanks were strong enough to carry massive guns capable of blowing down opposite trench w solelys from a 100 metres away. Ties meant that the enemy would be open so the friendly soldiers could shoot in.Because the tanks were so massive, they tear up mud by their caterpillar tracks, which make it a disadvantage for friendly troops to run and walk over. Many of the German trenches were too wide so the tanks front fell into the trenches instead of going over. Consequently if the machine gunners were close to the tank, they could put sticky bombs on the side of it. The tanks were nightimes unreliable and most bust down at the start. This meant that slews of them would be a waste of money. There were still many mechanical problems with tanks, further they proven themselves to be a weapon system of the future.In the event, the full potential of the tank was not to be realised until it had been from its infantry support role. Once it appeared, backed by air power, the age of battlefield domination was over. Wars of movement were once possible. With machine guns the tanks were killing machines that were lethal.Machine gunsIt provided rapid and sustained fire so you wouldnt waste valuable time reloading the weapon. This excessively meant that the enemy could be mowed down easily so that it could hold the frontline and was a very valuable defensive item. They were useful in planes because it was ve ry hard to hit enemy planes so machine guns could fire randomly and fast so there would be a definite hit.The machine guns were very expensive and when in a time of fight, countries were strapped for cash so they were very rare. They also used a lot of ammunition. Around 120 bullets were fired per minute so it would cost lots and lots of money to fuel it. The machine guns could not be used to attack because they were too heavy. Also if their own troops were going across, then the machine gunners would substantiate to stop because they would kill their own men.The machine guns were a great invention and provided a fresh new start for about future technology. It proved useful in many battles. These machines mainly won some of these battles.GasThe muff method was deadly and had never been seen before. It could spread through walls and trenches and went as remote as it could until it diffused. This meant that you didnt unceasingly have to hit the right spot while releasing the ga s. The gas could also kill people fast and could cloud the good deal of many people so they would wander out, linking it to the tanks and so the tanks could move across without being seen or heard if the soldiers had gas masks on until the tanks came close. Usually to attack you would necessitate to lose a few men at least but this new method meant that no friendly soldier would be hurt in the process.Although gas could kill quickly, it took a long time to get to its destination just like a zeppelin. Lots of gas was really needed to kill the enemy soldiers because the gas needed to be dense. This meant that it was expensive to use the gas and it wasnt always effective because most of the soldiers had gas masks after a few months. This meant that gas could be totally ineffective and so it would be such(prenominal) a waste of money on the gas. Gas, of course, could accidentally come back to your own trenches from winding coming your way.Gas was highly feared by many humans througho ut Europe because many rumours had gone around that it was the work of the devil and could kill anything so when gasmasks were introduced it meant that many people were rushing around for them like they were a saviour.Planes and ZeppelinsPlanes and zeppelins were very useful because there was warfare everywhere. On land, under ground and on pee but now in the air. It was useful because no guns were able to fire up at 180 so planes were very unlikely to get beam down. They could drop bombs straight down on the enemy. This meant they could be accurate. Planes are linked with machineguns because of the use of them in planes so you didnt have to be accurate to shoot paladin planes. Zeppelins could be massive transport carriers of weapons and other goods.These sorts of machines would take a lot of time to make and be expensive which makes them like tanks. They were not always in the air and so had hangers and such where lots of bombers could easily blow them up before they could get i nto the air. Like most of technology, both sides would always find out the secret of the new machine so battles in the sky would always take place and would normally be a long battle or a stalemate. Planes were lightweight because they could not fly if they werent so this meant they had no armour so were unreliable.Planes and zeppelins were not used until the Second World War because earlier planes were disappointed and zeppelins hadnt been invented yet. But planes were raise to be useful and they evolved around the war. The zeppelins were massive airplanes like air tanks ready to drop massive bombs.Modern TechnologyThese modern methods were to a greater extent effective, accurate and much more reliable. The onetime(a) methods included horses, which were fast, but as animals they needed feeding, looking after and they needed rest so that meant they would have to carry prolonged periods for the chance to attack. It would cost money to feed the horse. They needed medicine to look after the horse as well. Dogs and pigeons were also used in the war for communication. Pigeons could fly distances of up to 60 miles and 80% of messages got through. But radio messages and telegraph wires were much more useful and would have direct contact with HQ and all messages would get through. So the older methods were fine for the time. Most battles did not take place and were stalemates so the newer technology was needed to barge in the stalemate and reach a quicker end of a battle, meaning a quicker war. But machine guns were meant to defend trenches and so were effective that they caused most of the stalemates.Many people had good ideas but tanks were the best and this pushed back enemy lines because enemy machine guns could not shoot them and waves of soldiers followed behind them. But tanks were for blowing up artillery not soldiers. So the soldiery needed a weapon for killing masses of soldiers. The answer was gas. At first gas was used to knockout enemy soldiers but gradually more lethal gases were introduced. To kill, blind, maim and blister the enemy. Gas broke stalemates easily 178,500 British were hurt and 7,500 killed by gas. The Germans had 101,650 hurt and 5,350 killed. But then gas masks were invented and gas became so useless that some other machine was needed.Planes were used in earlier wars but were not effective but now new types were available so armies tried them and they seemed unstoppable by guns because they were so fast and there were battles in the air but as per usual there were guns to shoot down planes. So many new inventions were made and were, as you can see from my evidence, much more effective then old fashioned methods but there was always something to stop the new technology. The best defensive weapon is apparent to be the machinegun out of the new and old technology. This is because of the way it mowed down the enemy soldiers coming towards the trench. They could also be far apart because the gun could rotate up to 360. Even though it is a defensive weapon, it was most useful in attacking machines such as planes because of its quick fire.The best technology for attack was the planes because of their ability to pass over anything and have no boundaries unlike tanks, which cant pass over some trenches. They were able to break the stalemate by bombing front trenches and pushing the enemy back.New Technology and inventions were vital in breaking the stalemate in the war on the western front and completely replaced older fashioned methods.To discuss this we need to look at different parts of the sentence. To start away with New technology and inventions were vital to break the stalemate in the war can be discussed easily. It says that they were vital but they were not only when used to break the stalemate they were used also to keep the stalemate (machine guns). Some were not vital to the breaking of the stalemate but some were just used to land the trenches but not actually cause enough damage to break the stalemate and push the enemy back. The second part of the sentence is and completely replaced older fashioned methods. The word completely should not be used because if all the modern technology failed then the soldiers would have to rely on the older methods. So the word completely should be changed to parts. The fact is that nothing is ever totally replaced or exterminated.For example small pox is still around in the human today but not in Europe and that is why it is like the new technology. It may have replaced the older fashioned methods in Europe but it still did not replace it in the whole world. For example in China at that time, many horses were still used at the time. This sentence only complies with the positive side of the effect of modern technology. It uses two main facts to present the idea that the modern technology was only good. Coming into the new century was a big time for the old 19th century people. They were a new propagation of invention lover s who were not afraid of the new technology unlike the generation before them. So they welcomed the new machines not fearing what damage they could do because they had only experienced mostly good things from new machines.ConclusionThe whole point of the sample was not to find out both sides of the modern weapon findings. As I went over the project I found different ideas and views on how technology was good and needed and how European Warfare would have been better off without it. I found out which machines were useful and which caused more hassle than good. I found why people views were what they were and whether they were good enough or not.At first before I came into this project fully, my views were that all technology was for the best but some were not and some were vital for peace. Weapons can be used for peace but they are mostly used for war. I found that tanks, if not invented, would sure effect the damage felt on Britain. Most probably increasing it because of the way t he British used it so much. I had also found that if the German machine gun had not been invented, that the Germans may have lost the war much quicker because of the way they fiercely mowed down enemy soldiers heading towards the trenches. I found that many people had to put their trust in the machines and use them because of the inevitable increase in use of them. Many people I have read about have pushed for an technological advance in weapon warfare where others have the sure belief that it will all end up wrong.
Friday, June 7, 2019
Misuse of power Essay Example for Free
Misuse of power EssayThe Crucible is largely concerned with the abuse and apply of power in capital of Oregon. Discuss with reference to whatever three characters. The convolute of power in The Crucible leads to horrible suffering and regular(a) the deaths of some innocent people, in the town. Some characters in the play misuse their power towards other characters some characters misuse their power in the courtroom and some misuse their power in religion (in perform). In this essay I intend to look at the misuse of power focusing on the characters of Abigail Williams, Governor Danforth and Reverend Parris. Abigail Williams Misuses her power extensively throughout the play. She has most of the adults in capital of Oregon believing that she is a sweet innocent girl and so is never accused or suspended of doing anything sinful or unlawful. She also has most of the girls of Salem obeying her, due to a mixture of respect and fear, fear of Abigail and also a fear of getting in tro uble for the dancing. The women of Salem are also app altogethered of Abigail as she could quite easily accuse them of witchcraft with no questions asked, as she is known to be sweet and innocent.Abigail did fork up power over John admonisher when he was having an affair with her, as he lusted after Abigail. Although she no longer has power over John Proctor as he learns during the play what she is genuinely like when he turns her down. In act 3 of The Crucible Abigail seems to have power over court officials. When Abigail is accusing Mary Warren of witchcraft in the courtroom, Governor Danforth mothers to question Abigail. Abigail replies with shock and says that she is hurt, Governor Danforth then swiftly backs off.Abigail then begins to threaten Danforth with how hell could take him in think you be so properly that the power of Hell may not turn your wits? Beware of it. Danforth then seems to be wary of Abigail in the next reply to her, the book describes what he says as app rehensively. Danforth has began to be aware of what Abigail is doing and decided to not get in her way or upset her, as he didnt want her to accuse him of being in contact with the Devil. If she did this it would be him on trial as well as all the others. Another point about Abigail is that she is a liar and she is really good at it.This is how she is so respected by some people and feared by others. In my opinion the reason Abigail is so manipulative and weird, and also seems to have no feeling or a conscience, is because her parents were murdered by Indians in front of her. She describes this to the girls in a hard-hearted way, which shows that her emotions have all been drained apart from her have sex/lust for proctor and her jealously of Elizabeth. Reverend Parris misuses his power in The Crucible because he does not think the townspeople of Salem respect his position as a man of God.The Churches power at that time was very strong and so Reverend Parris has no problem in usin g his power the disparage way. The way in which he misuses his power is mostly from the pulpit of the church in his sermons. He believes that the church is the authority of all people in the town. He also believes himself an authoritative figure. He believes that anyone who does not commit his or her lives to the church should be questioned. He also demands that the people of Salem are obedient to the church and himself. He says that if they are not obedient, then they will burn in hell.Reverend Parris preaching things like this in his sermon strikes fear into the townspeople, as they begin to think Hell is upon them and this causes chaos to break out, as they begin to yell and scream at one another. Reverend Parris hates to be wrong, in the courtroom even when he realised that he is wrong to accuse all the people involved, he still sticks to his beliefs however wrong they may be. Parris causes innocent peoples deaths all because of his beliefs, stubbornness, selfishness and his mi suse of power.I have reached the conclusion that the characters in The Crucible do misuse their power the two characters I chose demonstrate this theory very well. Not all the characters in the play do, but there are many characters that do. This selfish act of misusing power in The Crucible is very influential to how the plot develops. Without Abigail Williams acting like a selfish, irresponsible strumpet, or Reverend Parris being selfish and power-hungry The Crucible would have lost its whole page-turning ominous, experience.
Thursday, June 6, 2019
IS Ethic Report Essay Example for Free
IS Ethic Report EssayThese days the use of computers has suffer almost obligatory in organizations and no such policies withstand been designed up till now to get over with the problems regarding internet abuse during the buy the farm time. FDU has published a policy for acceptable usage of computers. This policy is not supposed to be finalized up till now therefore it is open for revision. fit to this policy the use of computer and internet for exploration, instructional, and organizational purposes is allowed. However the promulgators want everyone to maintain ethics in the usage and to act as a seemly dealer with responsibility. All the drug users accessing resources would have to keep the policy rules in mind. Users include staff, faculty members, school-age childs, guest faculty, external organizations and certain people. Users should take c are of every appurtenance in equipment they are using including hardware and software both. User undertakes that under every la w i. e. intellectual property law, copyrights, other laws and agreements, he will not be violating any of their provisions and he/she will save the solemnity of the launch. User prepared materials is as well the possessed by resources but the institute is not responsible for their authenticity.The network usage should be having careful conducts in order to prevent from any intrusion or threat (FDU). Computer accounts assigned to the users are critical and user is responsible for any activity done with his account. User is never allowed to grass any changes or encoding to the existing record whether it is the institutes information or of any other user. As the system is institutes asset therefore it is not allowed to user to make any changes concerned with the operation of operating system and networks. He is not allowed to distribute software and documents receiveed by that institution.If that software or document is mutually shared by another user and that user grants him it s permission to access, only then he is able to distribute them away (FDU). If mentioning any partial or colorful opinion one has to specify his name with the opinion preventing the institution from the blame. Sending unsolicited bulk mail is forbidden. Undue usage of computing equipment is illegal. Disk remembering is companys resource and company pays for it therefore any improper use would tinge a person to dishonesty (FDU). Network addresses assigned to the user should not be altered without the proper permission of systems and security.For personal advertisements, one is not allowed to advertise and promote personal information on the network. The networking protocols are also forbidden to be applied, such as DHCP, IGRP, RIP, port scanners or network monitors (FDU). Security measures under the policy include that the user have to use their own ways to make their data secure. These ways may include encoding techniques to save sensitive data. Any shortfall in network security would attain the data integrity. Security against damages is provided by information system and technology in more or less realistic way.However this is not realistic to pledge for it (FDU). Privacy measures in policy are directing towards the warnings which are given against storing any confidential data. Sometimes situations occur in which a student while helping another student starts having access to the instructors data regarding the relevant subject. Such type of privacy should be maintained by backup support, and upgrades of software, and trouble-shooting activities (FDU). Policy Violators are well aware of the fact that they should be taken into account as soon as possible.Policy violations should be handled by some descriptions in some good literature about internet use policy. An institutions network can be suspended at anytime if any network failure occurs (FDU). This policy is intended for the use in institutions and further amendments can also be made in order to mak e the policy strongest in terms of all the aspects. Knowing that internet has many advantages pertaining to the success and growth of a company but there are some potential disadvantages too as it reduces an employees focus from work at times.The internet usage at workplace should be well defined and controlled so that the employees would know their limitations themselves. profit usage invites a man to waste time and its usage has so many dimensions with which he can get engaged in his domestic works like billing and shopping. Else than that there are chat and personal emails and most dangerous of all is gambling and online pornography which can lead the network vulnerable to threats and attacks easily (Taillon). Strategies have been designed to increase the work duration and control the use of internet.They include disciplinary actions against internet abuse at workplace. These actions are preceded by some policy which would indicate the possibility of duration on which an employee can spend his personal time online. Expensive programs like find systems can be used to monitor activities being performed on every computer in an organization. Another risk is that the businesses purchase the software products righteously and the copyright laws forbid them to download any illegal contents from internet.For such an action employees would not be blamed instead the employers would be accused of that illegal transferral (Taillon). Larger workforce cannot be tracked completely with honor system therefore information assurance is offered to be used by businesses which afford to have an internet security program. Computer use is tracked easily by giving password to each system and checking the usage afterwards. This is completely legal in an organization. This defensive programming helps in tracking for hitches in software and irregular flow of controlling data.Keeping firewalls also help an organization in belongings away from antagonistic instructions. Increasing th e level of internet security is also in favor of an organization with the help of which Honor system would do their crush at screening the usage of computers and internet at workplace (Taillon). References FDU. Acceptable Use Policy For Computer Usage. 7 June 1999. 19 March 2009 http//www. fdu. edu/studentsvcs/aup. html. Taillon, G. Controlling Internet Use In The Work Place. June 2004. 19 March 2009 http//www. nysscpa. org/cpajournal/2004/704/perspectives/p16. htm.
Wednesday, June 5, 2019
Antibody Screening, Identification and Cross Match
Antibody Screening, Identification and Cross MatchAntibody Screening, Identification and Cross Match Case studies from Bristol Memorial HospitalSimon Avery and Malcolm Grey, School of electric cellular phoneular and Molecular Medicine, University of Bristol, BS8 ITH succinct Antibody screening, identification, and cross matching invents an essential element of pre-transfusion testing procedure that is of paramount importance in crease bank establishments. Clinically significant antibodies can give birth haemolytic transfusion answers. Antibody screening is crucial for endurings who require kind transfusions to detect the presence of any unexpected antibodies and ensure selection of the most compatible unit. We penning on five diligent case studies regarding the use of antibody screening and identification to select the most appropriate red cell units available. At this time, limited source units were available. An analysis is provided with key emphasis on the importance of antibody cross matching and compatibility testing.Keywords Antibody Screening, Clinically Significant, Compatibility testing, ABO, RhDRed argument prison cells (RBCs) carry a varying number of crinkle assemblage antigens on their cell surface (Dean, 2005). To date, there ar over 600 identified antigens within 30 distinguished snag group systems (Dean, 2005). To ensure the prep atomic number 18dness of safe blood for transfusion, antibody screening and identification is routinely performed in blood bank establishments in accordance with pre-transfusion testing procedures (Makroo et al., 2014). This is primarily achieved through the microcolumn gel technique, which has conk out the most prevalent technique used in blood bank laboratories worldwide (Hwang Shin et al., 2009). The aim is to detect unexpected antibodies and quantify their specificity to provide blood that lacks the corresponding antigen, forming an element of fundamental importance in clinical transfusion (Makroo et al., 2014).Alloimmunisation commonly occurs following blood transfusions and is defined as the immune response to antigens that are recognised as foreign (Yazdanbakhsh, 2012). The most important RBC alloantibodies in transfusion practice include the Rh (D, C, E, c, and e) and Kell antigens, in addition to the Duffy, Kidd, and MNS blood group antigens (Makroo et al., 2014 Dean, 2005). Antibodies that are considered clinically significant can cause haemolytic transfusion reactions, following the accelerated destruction and shortened survival of transfused RBCs (Garratty, 2012). Furthermore, clinically significant antibodies are associated with haemolytic disorder of the foetus and newborn (Daniels et al., 2002). Therefore, it is critical to recognise and consider clinically significant antibodies present in a long-suffering in give to select the most appropriate unit for transfusion (Makarovska-Bojadzieva, 2009). As a result, the blood service aims to provide a regular supply of all blood groups and blood types.In this study, we present a case by case report of antibody screening, identification and cross matching for five tolerants, in addition to the focusing and use of blood units from a limited supply, highlighting the importance of clinically significant antibodies and their detection in transfusion medicine.Materials and Methods perseveringsThe patients included in this study comprise five individuals with varying medical and transfusion history. The details of severally patient are outlined in table 1.IAT Gel Antibody ScreeningDiaMed IAT gel card were used to detect antibodies and performed on all five patients. Each well was labelled with the patient identification number (1-5) with 2 wells used for severally patient. 50l of 0.8% screening Cell Stab reagents and 25l of patients plasma were added to the DiaMed IAT gel cards. Two tells, positive and ostracise, were prepared using 50l of 0.8% O R1r in Cell Stab, with 25l of AB serum added to the negative control and 25l of weak anti-D added to the positive control. Cards were incubated at 37C for 15 minutes and spun in the DiaMed ID-Centrifuge 12 S II for 10 minutes at 1030 rpm. Cards were analysed for agglutination and results were scored accordingly from 0 to 5, where a negative score of 0 indicates no agglutination and a positive score of 5 indicates agglutination.Antibody IdentificationAntibody identification was performed on patients 2, 3, and 4 with a positive antibody screen, using enzyme and IAT panels. A 1% red cell suspension was prepared from 10l packed red cells and 1mL DiaMed diluent. 50l was added to each well followed by 25l of patients plasma. Two controls were prepared. An IAT control was prepared from 50l of R1r control cells and 25l of weak anti-D. An enzyme testing control was prepared using R1R1 control cells and 25l of anti-K. Cards were incubated at 37C for 15 minutes and spun in the DiaMed ID-Centrifuge 12 S II for 10 minutes at 1030 rpm. Cards w ere analysed using a light box and scored accordingly.Compatibility testingDiaMed IAT gel cards were used to perform compatibility tests for each patient against donor units. Each well was labelled accordingly with patient number and donor unit. 50l of 1% donor unit cells in Cell Stab reagents and 25l of patients plasma were added to the corresponding wells. Two controls, positive and negative, were prepared using 50l of 1% O R1r in Cell Stab, with 25l of AB serum added to the negative control and 25l of weak anti-D added to the positive control. Cards were incubated at 37C for 15 minutes and spun in the DiaMed ID-Centrifuge 12 S II for 10 minutes at 1030 rpm. Cards were analysed and scored for agglutination, 0-5.ResultsPatientGender AgeTransfusion History extra Medical Details1Female, 70 years oldNo history of blood transfusionsScheduled for repair of fractured hip joint following a fall2Female, 34 years oldUndergone several surgeries to treat disease. Received blood during last s urgery 5 years ago.Crohns diseaseUndergoing evaluation for unexplained anaemia3Male, 58 years oldReceived 4 units of RBCs during surgery 8 years ago.History of cardiovascular diseaseUndergone nerve centre bypass surgery4Male, 14 years oldReceives frequent blood transfusions for the steering of his condition. Last transfusion dated 6 months ago.Sickle cell anaemiaHistory of anti-K5Female, 19 years oldNo history of blood transfusionsInvolved in a road traffic happeningTable 1 The medical history of each patient, including transfusion history.PatientABO/RhD TypeScreening Cell 1Screening Cell 2Interpretation1A+ *00No antibody detected2A+05Antibody detected3B+30Antibody detected4O+04Antibody detected5O00No antibody detectedTable 2 The ABO and RHD typing of each patient and results obtained from the antibody screening panel. Interpretation of results is excessively provided.* A mix field reaction was detected for patient 1 in the ABO/RHD screening.PatientAntibody PresentProbable Ge notypeFurther Patient Information1Dce/dce R1r (31%)May require more units of red cells in the forthcoming but not today2Anti-c, Anti-EDCe/Dce R1R1 (18%)Requires 2 units today3Anti-Fya, Anti-KDce/dce R0r (Requires 2 units of red cells as soon as possible4Anti-KDce/dce R1r (31%)Requires 3 units of red cells5Dce/dce rr (14%)No time-consuming needs any bloodTable 3 Results of the antibody identification screening panel and transfusion requirements for each patient.PatientUnitABO/RhDAntigens 1GMA / RhD Positive D+C+E-c+e+A / RhD proscribe D-C-E-c+e+K Fya, S, M controvertFya, JKa Negative2SFA / RhD Positive D+C+E-c-e+O / RhD Positive D+C+E-c-e+K, Fya, S, M NegativeK, Fya, S, M, HbS Negative3QRB / RhD Positive D+C-E-c+e+B / RhD Negative D-C+E-c+e+K, Fya, S, M, HbS NegativeK, Fya, S, s, M Negative4JKIO / RhD Positive D+C+E+c+e+O / RhD Positive D+C+E-c+e+O / RhD Positive D+C-E-c+e+K, Fya, S NegativeK, Jka, S, M NegativeK, Fyb, S, Lea Negative5TO / Rhd Negative D-C-E-c+e+Fy a, HbS NegativeTable 4 Compatibility testing of each patient against selected donor units.DiscussionOur first case study is a 70-year-old female who has been admitted for an operation to repair a fracture to her left hip joint, following a fall. The patient has no history of previous blood transfusions and appears in good health. Her son reports that she has been healthy end-to-end her life and only admitted to hospital for child birth. Pre-transfusion testing procedures were carried out to order blood for her upcoming surgery. The results for this patients ABO and RhD typing revealed a miscellaneous field reaction for anti-D. Extended Rh typing also revealed a mixed field reaction for anti-c. Antibody identification was performed to determine if this patient has any clinically significant antibodies, in which none were detected.It is therefore possible that this patients ABO type may be A3, a subgroup of the A blood type. Weak subgroups of A3 are known to cause mixed field reac tions (Dean, 2005), therefore we have requested this patients serum to be typed against A1, A2 and A3 cells. However, extensive ABO and RH typing is required to precisely determine this patients blood phenotype. This patient requires red cell units in the future for a planned operation. The units that have been designated for this patient include unit G and unit B, which are both A RhD positive red cell units. However, a full assessment of this patients blood type must be analysed before the administration of these components.Patient 2 forms our split second case study, a 34-year-old female who suffers from Crohns disease. This patient has been admitted regarding unexplained anaemia. Patient 2 has previously undergone several surgeries to manage her condition. Her last surgery was 7 years ago, in which she received a blood transfusion. This patient has a haemoglobin level of 7.9 g/dL and 2 units of RBCs have been ordered for transfusion today. The antibody identification revealed c linically significant antibodies, including anti-c and anti-E. Most Rh blood group antibodies are warm reacting IgG antibodies that cause haemolytic and delayed transfusion reactions and haemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn therefore, they are considered clinically significant. Anti-C and anti-E are most commonly found together in patients, as most patients who have developed anti-E often go on to develop anti-c. The c antigen is highly immunogenic in comparison to the E antigen. As a result, anti-c may cause severe haemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn in this patient, whereas anti-e may cause a mild reaction. However, as the patients RhD type is positive, it is unlikely that she will require anti-D prophylaxis. This patient requires two RBCs units today. The units that have been designated for this patient include unit S and unit F. Unit S is A RhD positive and unit F is O RhD positive, in which both units are negative for anti-c and anti-E.Our third patient is a 58- year-old male who has been admitted into hospital after complaining of chest pains and shortness of breath. This patient has a history of cardiovascular disease and underwent heart bypass surgery 8 years ago, in which he received 4 RBC transfusions. Upon arrival, a diagnosis of heart failure was firm and need for immediate surgery. Antibody testing for this patient revealed the patient is both positive for anti-Fya and anti-K. Furthermore, the probable genotype of this patient suggests African descent, therefore the patient will also receive anti-c and anti-e positive red cells. This patient requires two units of blood as soon as possible, in which unit Q and unit R have been allocated.The quaternate patient in our case report is a 14-year-old male that suffers from sickle cell anaemia and has a history of anti-K. This patient receives frequent blood transfusions for the management of his condition, with his last transfusion dated 6 months prior to admission. The patient was broug ht in by his family regarding fatigue and shortness of breath. The patient has been kept in hospital for posting pending suspicion of sickle cell crisis. Three RBC units have been allocated for this patient including units J, K, and I. Each unit is O RhD positive and negative for anti-K. Finally, the fifth patient featured in this report is a 19-year-old female that was involved in a road traffic accident. This patient has no history of previous blood transfusions and has never been admitted to hospital prior to this occasion, with her parents citing excellent health. The patient was admitted with trauma to the head, in which a single blood unit was allocated unit T. However, the patient no longer requires the unit at this time. The unit will be kept for the patient whilst she remains in hospital following any complications. Unit T was selected for this patient and is O RhD negative. This patient does not have any clinically significant antibodies.Throughout the treatment and ass essment of these 5 patients, only 12 of blood were available. A total of 10 units were used to treat all 5 patients. Severe weather across the United Kingdom has impacted the distribution of blood from the NHS Blood and Transplant manufacturing sites located in Bristol, London, and Manchester. Access by road, rail, and air have all been affected by severe storms and rendered transport at a halt. The closest blood bank could not be accessed and therefore a limited number of RBC units were available.References Daniels, G., Poole, J., de Silva, M., et al. (2002) The clinical significance of blood group antibodies. Transfusion Medicine. 12(5), 287 295. in stock(predicate) from http// Accessed 21/03/17Dean, L. (2005) Blood Groups and Red Cell Antigens. National Centre for Biotechnology Information. Available from https//, G. (2012) What is a clinically significant antibody? ISBT Science Series, 7(1), 54 57. Available from http// Accessed 22/03/17Hwang-Shin, J., Young Lee, J., Hyen Kim, J., et al. (2009) Screening and Identification of Unexpected Red Cell Antibodies by Simultaneous LISS/Coombs and NaCI/Enzyme Gel Methods. J Korean Med Sci. 24(4), 632 635. Available from https// Accessed 21/03/17Makarovska-Bojadzieva T, Blagoevska M, Kolevski P, Kostovska S. (2009) Optimal blood grouping and antibody screening for safe transfusion. Prilozi, 30(1), 119-128. Available from https// Accessed 22/03/17Makroo, RN., Bhatia, A., Hegde, V., et al. (2014) Antibody screening and identification in the general patient people at a tertiary care hospital in New Delhi, India. Indian J Med Res. 140(3), 401-405. Available from https// Accessed 21/03/17Yazdanbakhsh, K., Ware R., Pirenne, F. (2012) Red blood cell alloimmunisation in sickle cell disease pathophysiology, risk factors and transfusion management. Blood. 120(3), 528 537. Available from https// Accessed 22/03/17
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